Thursday, February 11, 2010


Welcome to Deaf Passion Cooking's Corner Blog!!!

I got the chance to create a blog this time since I usually post pictures of foods with recipes that I made on the Facebook. Mostly of my friends suggested me to join in any competitive shows and become a first deaf chef. I'm not ready yet for those competitive shows but maybe someday in the future *grin*.

A few of my friends suggested me to do the VLOG or BLOG and become the "first deaf Julia Child". I thought of staring with the BLOG this time and hopefully can figure out how to add some videos on it instead of doing it on the Facebook.

It's almost like doing the same ideal like Julie did by blogged her point of views and did all of the recipes from Julia Child's Joy of Cooking but will post something exciting and ideal recipes, any questions to answer related with cooking (A friend of mine was asking me what was difference between yellow and white onions), discussions related with one item to learn about and how to cook with it, and many mores.

I will be posting the recipes very soon.

Bon Appetit!



  1. congratulations on your new blog! looking forward to reading all of the posts of yours! :)

  2. so what's the difference between the white and yellow onions besides the color? :)

  3. Tammy- :-) Mucho Gracias (many thanks in Spain words)..

    Will create a new blog what's the difference btw the white and yellow onions besides the colors :D...

  4. thanks! i just read about the onions. :)
