Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cranberry Beauty Smoothie

When I make this smoothie at the same time thinking should I name "Black Beauty" or "Cranberry Beauty". So I decided to go for Cranberry Beauty as the name. It does look almost like black but it's enriches of a dark plum color.

As you might know that blueberries do consists antioxidants along with cranberries and blackberries. Blueberries are considered the number one!

So it's a perfect antioxidant drink to enjoy this.

Do you know what an antioxidants are?

Antioxidants means a substance (as beta-carotene or vitamin C) that inhibits oxidation or reactions promoted by oxygen, peroxides, or free radicals. Free radicals (oxygen particles) can destroy or affect cells causing aging and cancer, so antioxidants help preventing this.

So is it wonderful to know?! I betcha!

1 cup of Cranberry Grape juice (I use the light than regular)
1 1/2 cups of frozen organic blueberries
1 cup of frozen blackberries

Mix it altogether. That one serves 1 to 2 so you can double for if serves 4 or more.

Enjoy this! :D